"What i saw in markie's world" by grandma yolanda
(Read by Grandma Yolanda at the Mass of Angels service on 7/6/99)
When Markie was born, I feared for him. He was so vulnerable.
Then he went to the hospital, and I saw nurses who were so very caring and loving towards Markie. And I felt he was safe in their care.
I heard of the doctors examining Markie and was told how gentle and kind they were with him. And I felt tears.
I saw Janis and Joe’s friends and family giving them and Maddie so much support. And I felt awed.
I saw food and contributions for food brought to Janis and Joe’s home. And I was overwhelmed with their generosity.
I felt the prayers of so many people for all of us. And we all gained strength.
I saw people offer comfort and support to Janis and Joe, who were living through their own sorrows. And I felt humbled by them.
I saw Janis and Joe give unconditional love to my grandson. And I wasn’t suprised–it was a given.
I saw Markie listening for his big sister’s running footsteps and singing voice. And I felt happy.
And last of all, I saw Markie so snug and secure in his parent’s arms. And he smiled.