"Remember Markie" by papa mark

(Read by Grandpa “Papa” Mark at the Mass of Angels service on 7/6/99)

I am very proud of Joe, Janis, and Maddie,

And all the Wuelfing/Carney family

Thank you all for being here with us today.

Mark Warren’s short journey was a lesson

A lesson of love, courage, friendship, and community

Loving Mark taught us how to know and love each other

His courage gave us strength and taught us to be strong

We made many new friendships, and renewed old ones

Through Mark we experienced the loving kindness

of a wonderful, caring, and generous community

If we all take a little of Mark, what he gave us

With us today and share in his life

Mark will surely remain alive in all of us

And be remembered in all of our hearts.

ImageMarkie WuelfingMarkie and DaddyMarkie StareImageImageImage