"Touched by an angel" by Grandma geri
(Read by Grandma Geri at the Mass of Angels service on 7/6/99)
When Markie was born, he became our 7th grandchild,
So Grandpa Mark said, “I think I’ll call him ‘Lucky.'”
Well, in many ways, Mark was not so lucky.
The illness had consumed his little body and mind.
And he was taken from us way too soon.
But in many ways Markie was lucky.
He was lucky to be blessed with two
Of the most wonderful parents in the world
He was lucky to have the care of nurses and doctors
Who treated him with so much tenderness and affection
He was lucky to have those of us
Who just wanted to be with him
Holding him, kissing him, singing to him.
A special little boy who brought us all so much love
So in turn, we are also the lucky ones
Because Markie came into our lives
And lucky too, because Janis and Joe are in our lives,
Two very special people,
Who will always remind us what love, courage,
Strength and faith is all about.
How very lucky and blessed we are to have
Been touched by an angel.